Monterey Rocks
A blog about Monterey Live MusicSupport Local Music

Band Instruments
Be Part of a Community

Joe Lucido plays at two Farmers Market gigs: Tuesdays on Alvarado in Monterey from 4 to 7 pm. Saturdays from 8 am to 2 pm on Main St. at Gabilan in downtown Salinas.
“Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.”

John Sherry
I wanted the victims of the Gilroy shooting to know that there’s another community that still cares.
And our local artists also give back to their community. John Turri is a transplant from Southern California who moved here to direct the outstanding musical program at Compass Church in Salinas. He works on his own music as well and an album dedicated to his mother is being released in phases. He has taken local artists under his wing and they performed a benefit concert in late September 2019 with part of the proceeds going to victims of the recent Gilroy shooting. John Turri created an engaging event with local talent who found an appreciative audience. Once we were all in and totally engaged, he lead us in a moment of silence and named the Gilroy shooting victims, followed by a stirring rendition of Ed Sheeran’s song, “Supermarket Flowers”. If you were there, you would’ve witnessed a leader helping one community remember and assist another still-hurting community. You would’ve left with an appreciation for the loved ones in your life.
John Turri
Be a part of it!
The owners have hit on a formula that continues to fill their seats. Starting with being selective about products to creating a friendly vibe, as well as committing to support local artists in events such as open mic nights, it looks like the Beerded Bean hits the right spot.
And if a community doesn’t exist, start one. That’s exactly what Jacqueline Kabat did when she moved to Monterey and started Tribe in the Sky, which now has over 1,000 Facebook group members. Jacqueline has been responsible for fun events such as the Lovers Point Concert series, which just completed its second season.
“Communities that create music, laughs, tranquility, peace, soul, deepness, connection, acceptance and empathy can change the world.”
― Jacqueline Kabat, Director of Tribe in the Sky
This is an introductory post meant as a teaser! We’ll be blogging about Jacqueline Kabat, the Beerded Bean, John Turri and many more artists and community builders very soon! Our hope is to encourage Monterey Bay residents to go out and support our many talented musicians and join or even start a community! So follow us, share the links and get excited about Monterey Live Music!

Jacqueline Kabat and Kiki Wow at Beach House Cafe at Lovers Point
Beerded Bean
Photo taken after a concert by local musician John Turri in late July 2019
Monterey Rocks
A blog about music in Monterey County to encourage support and inspire community
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